Blues Brothers Guide Service was founded by Zakk Royce and Zac Zajac in the fall of 2015. Zakk and Zac are two friends who love fishing so much they wanted to share their experience with others. With this goal in mind they started the business. Shortly after opening the guide service Zakk Royce caught consecutive North Carolina state record blue catfish on December 20th and December 21 of 2015. The first record on December 20th was certified at 91 pounds breaking the old North Carolina record of 89 pounds and was released alive back where it was caught. On the next day, December 21, Zakk caught a certified 105 pound blue catfish that toppled his record from the day before and was also released alive. This gave the guide service the boost it needed. Book a trip today to see how it's done!
Zakk Royce with his NC record from 2015
Zakk is our full time guide and co-owner and is usually able to do a trip any day of the week.